Monday, May 22, 2017

May 22nd. 32 days post op

Today is a pretty big day.  I have an appointment with the neurosurgeon later today.  I am hopeful he will know what the heck the tumor is by today.  I am also curious if he will refer me to an oncologist for radiation.  That sounds like zero fun.

Things are still improving.  I am now, not using crutches except for tball practice and when I go to bed.  Tball, I stand too long for not using crutches.  I don't really want to fall down with all of the kids there.  When I go to bed, I remove my leg brace and there is no way I can go crutch less (is that a word?) as I go from the bathroom where I change clothes to the bed.

I am getting more and more toe movement.  It is miniscule but I will take any at all.
I am trying to exercise as much as possible.  My step count is really improving.
The last 3 days, the nerve pain has been pretty intense.  Like real bad.  I don't know if it is from exercising a lot more or what but it sucks.  It is always at night time when it is the worst.  I can deal with it.  It just sucks but it could be so much worse.
I will try to update after the Dr apt.

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