I think I key thing for me is that I must be moving. A lot. Not doing anything is not good for me.
I have been walking most every day and most nights after the kids go to bed. I have been wanting to go on a hike at Siouxon Falls in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest. I had gone there a few years ago with the kids and we didn't make it very far before they wanted to turn around and head back. It has been on my radar to hike ever since.
The full trail is some crazy 12 mile hike or something like that. I did NOT have that as my goal. I did want to get a couple of miles in though.
Unfortunately, I got a late start from home. Pesky work stuff. It is approx. 1.25 hour drive from home. The last 30 minutes is pretty brutal from road conditions. I would not take a family sedan up there. Other people did though.
It was a nice drive and the weather was perfect. When I got to the trailhead, the parking lot was pretty full.
I new I would be tight on time so I headed right out. I had my new trekking poles from Costco with me. I can not say enough about those things. Probably the best $30 I have spent since surgery. They were so natural to walk with. When on flat or relatively flat ground, you just move your arms like normal. When I got to steep sections, I used them like ski poles and used them to "push" me up like a skier would. I was instantly in love with them.
There were a few people on the trail. Just enough to know that if you got into trouble, someone would venture by in a bit but few enough to know that you are a tiny spec in the forest.
I didn't even take any music with me. I did take my ham radio with me but I could not hit a repeater from where I was at so it was silent the entire time.
My only regret on the hike is that I got the late start and could not go as far as I wanted to. I did end up just shy of 1.5 miles each way making it an almost 3 mile round trip. My plan was to take nice hike on the way out, taking pictures and taking in the sites. At a set time, I would turn around and high tail it back to my truck. As I was walking along, I did completely lose track of time. When I did look at my watch, it was my time to turn around. I was pretty bummed as I could have gone much much further. That's OK, I will just have to go back. And, get a much earlier start to the day.
Today I have my 3 month MRI. I wont have the result until next Thurs when I see an oncologist. I am pretty certain, it will come back with good results and this is just a formality.
Have a great weekend. Get out and do something you love.
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