Thursday, March 23, 2017

We have a date!

We have a date for the big day!

April 20th.  Yes, it is 4/20.  For those of you that appreciate the fact that marijuana is now legal will think this is funny.  I think it is pretty well known that I am stuck in the dark ages and could NOT be more against pot.  So, it is kind of funny/ironic that my surgery date is 4-20.  Yes, yes, I know, pot is the new wonder drug that cures everything in the world.  I simply don't see a need for another drug to be legalized.  That is just my soapbox.  I will step down now.  I know that I am in the minority on this.

I have a few other dates that I wont bore everyone with.  None of them are substantial.  Just a test here or there, signing papers and an insertion of a "marker".  None of them should be show stoppers.

Am I happy/relieved?  Kind of.  I am thrilled to no longer say, "sometime in the future".  It is nice to say April 20th.  For some odd reason, it seems even more real.  It does make it easier having a date after a few bad days.  I am having a great day today though so I revert back to, "what is the rush"?  :-)  It's all good though.  This son of a gun needs to come out and it will!

My work and co workers could not be more supportive.  I think I have everything all set up for time off and back up at work.  The main consensus at work is, "don't worry about work.  Take care of yourself."  I really do appreciate that.

Time to get the focus back on family and having fun with them.

Take care all.

1 comment:

  1. Good News! Now you have a date for removal. You are in my thoughts. I am 13 years out from beating the evil Cancer you got this....
