I have continued with acupuncture. It is interesting. It does something. I wish I could articulate what "something" means. I think it is better after acupuncture but it is short lived. I was told to give it 4 sessions.
I had tested out getting on and off of my bike. It is difficult to get a dead leg over the top bar but I can do it. I had ridden around the block 2 different times. I felt pretty good on my bike. I discovered that when a person walks (normally), they put 100% of their weight on one foot and then 100% of the weight transitions to the other foot. But, when riding a bike, you can put as little or as much weight on each foot. I decided to drive to a pretty flat trail and take a ride. It was fantastic. It was 2.5 miles round trip. Just having the wind in my face was great. My left leg fell off of the pedal countless times and I tore up the back of my leg with the pedal on at least one occasion but it was worth it. I had hoped to do another ride but the weather was bad yesterday and I am quickly running out of time today. Hopefully I will ride next week at least once.
Lastly, a shout out to all of the dads out there. I hope each and every dad I know, has a fantastic day. A big thank you to my dad for all that he has done, especially lately with rides to various DR apts and listening to me bitch and complain. Thanks Dad. I love you!
Enjoy every little thing. We have a LOT to be grateful for.
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