Thursday, May 4, 2017

May 3rd

i just realized something. I have poured my heart and soul out on this blog. Then, I get good news and dry up. That's pretty crappy of me. If you have read along this far, I certainly owe you the good updates also.

I can't sleep so this is the perfect time.
I am still targeted to go home on Friday, cinco de mayo. And yes, we are having Mexican that night. A nice cervaza sounds great but no promises.

As for nerve pain, it is much better. It is medium on the left lower part of my leg. The meds are keeping it manageable. I also still have numbness in my rear end which is just obnoxious to constantly have a numb butt!
Nerve damage/loss is pretty much in the same locations as the pain. I can now slightly wiggle my left toes. I can very slightly push down on the ball of my left foot. I can not pump my ankle like a "gas pedal" move. I also can't move my left ankle back and forth like wiper blades.   My left leg and hip is very weak.

Now for the good stuff.
I can get around!  My left leg is getting stronger. The nerves are starting to respond. Everyday there is some type of improvement. It really is amazing.
The hospital has been amazing. At first I had to ring a nurse to go to the bathroom. Then I was allowed to go from bed to wheelchair to bathroom alone. Then I was allowed to use crutches in my room. Today, I was told I could use crutches, without help of anyone, and I can cruise the entire wing. Freedom!  Unfortunately, before I had been given that opportunity, the physical therapist wore me completely out. Maybe tomorrow.
During PT today, I even climbed an entire flight of stairs and back. I really had no idea how that would go. It went surprisingly well. Funny how that was easy but moving sideways is hard and unstable. After the stairs, we worked on using one crutch. Because how else would I carry my coffee?  I have priorities after all. And I have yet to find cup holders for crutches.

After I get discharged, I will start out patient therapy. One thing they have there is a driving simulator. The Dr gets data from that and will give the blessing to drive. I am excited to do that. I didn't think of losing that before surgery.

We still don't know what the tumor really was yet. It has been tested 3 times so far. My neurosurgeon said it would go to the Mayo Clinic, but I don't know the details of that.

I wanted to share the great news and some good details for once.
I have thought of removing most if not all of this blog as it is so personal and embarrassing. If it helps anyone in anyway (and I hope no one gets as scared as I was) then, this will be worth it.

I am hopeful that I will have some profound words of wisdom soon but for now; look big picture, enjoy everything you have. Love and be loved. Work hard and play a lot harder. Stop, look around at some of the truly excellent things there are for us and the beauty of them. Take it all in.

Love to all. I do appreciate the love sent my way.
Have an excellent day!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update and I am glad you are making some good progress! :-)
